The ErISFaVIA project “Early Intervention Services for Families with Children with Vision Impairment and Additional Disabilities”, is operating under the ERASMUS+ Programme, Key Action 2- Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices (No: 2019-1-EL01-KA201-062886). The central notion of the ErISFaVIA project lies in the presence of a crucial situation which addresses a need that has been internationally acknowledged as very important and refers to children with vision impairment and additional disabilities (VIAD) or deafblindness (D/B) with their families.
The ErISFaVIA consortium consists of 10 major organizations in 6 countries (Greece, Cyprus, Romania, Turkey, Croatia and Germany). All project partners are involved in the field of visual impairment with additional disabilities or deafblindness with different occupations and duties. In specific, University of Thessaly (UTH-Coordinating organization), University of Babes Bolyai (UBB), Istanbul Medeniyet University (IMU), AMIMONI/Greece, Syzoi/Greece, ANSGA/Turkey, Mali Dom/Croatia and Blindeninstitut München/Germany, and the schools (St. Barnabas School for the Blind/Cyprus and LSDV-Liceul Special pentru Deficienti de Vedere Cluj/ Romania) compose the consortium of this project.
In total, 3 Universities, 5 NGOs and 2 schools will provide strong links between theory and implementation and the outcomes will propose training programs for the professionals that will strengthen the effectiveness of the early intervention programs for young children with VIAD or D/B.
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